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Last edited: 07-Jun-2023
Refresh age: 458 days old
Edited by: Alan Powell
Content id: 34359852214

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Content id: 34359852214
Content title: Inspection
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Last to edit: Alan Powell Creation Date: 05-Jun-2023 03:46 PM
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Validating the specifications, value and safety of your raw materials, products and assets.

Intertek’s diverse range of inspection services can provide trusted support for your products, projects and processes.

Independent third-party inspections help clients around the world protect their financial, branding and legal interests throughout the entire supply chain - from raw materials and finished goods to plant facilities and assets. We offer inspection services to manufacturers, retailers, traders, plant operators, governments and other buyers and sellers of materials and products in the world’s markets.

Inspections help minimise the risk of defective products by ensuring they meet both customer standards and industry and government regulations. This serves to protect your business interests, help manage your risk and ensure quality products are manufactured and delivered to their final destination at the specifications of the customer.

Experienced inspectors help identify products and shipments which may contain non-standard or non-compliant components and materials. Products and materials that we routinely test and inspect include consumer goods such as clothes, toys, cosmetics, and food, to high-value bulk commodity cargoes such as agricultural products, crude oil, chemicals and refined petroleum products during critical transportation, custody transfer and storage operations.

We also support the life management of plant facilities such as power plants and oil refineries with inspection and testing, ensuring that your assets are operating safely and reliably.


  • Agricultural Cargo Inspection
  • Building Product Inspection
  • Chemical Cargo Inspection
  • Electrical Product Inspection
  • Industrial Technical Inspection Services
  • Exporter & Importer Inspection
  • Field Labeling Inspection
  • Food Inspection
  • Pipe Traceability and Inspection Data – Intertek pipeAware™

  • Remote Inspection
  • Inspection Data Management Software (IDMS)
  • Juvenile Product Inspection
  • Management Systems Certification
  • Minerals Inspection & Surveying
  • Petro-Chemical Cargo Inspection
  • Petroleum Cargo Inspection
  • Site Construction Inspection
  • Textile & Apparel Inspection

Need help or have a question?

+1 800 967 5352
+1 800 967 5352